Falcons excels in fabrication, repair, and quality services for industries.

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Falcons provides a wide range of fabricaton, equipment repair, quality control, pipeline, industrial and process services in the Oil & Gas, Petrochemicals and Power Industries in the Region. Our fabricaton team is combined with diversely skilled and professionalism that contnuously strive to meet and exceed customer expectations through innovatve ideas and quality.

Services INCLUDE

Projects Completed
Years of Experience

Falcons maintains a team of highly skilled professionals who adhere to industry standards and best practices. We also implement rigorous quality control measures throughout the fabrication process to ensure the highest level of quality.

Falcons prioritizes safety in all fabrication projects. Our team follows strict safety protocols and adheres to industry regulations to mitigate risks and ensure a safe working environment for our employees and clients alike.

Falcons’ fabrication team comprises diversely skilled professionals who continuously strive to exceed customer expectations through innovative ideas and a commitment to quality. Our dedication to delivering superior fabrication solutions distinguishes us in the industry.

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